Swim in the landscape, walk on the sea | 2023 | Local sand from Skerries South Beach, resin, stainless steel. 1200cm (12m) x 4.2cm x 4.2cm
Permanent commission, Skerries Art Trail, Dublin. Commissioned by Fingal County Council. Photography courtesy the artist.
Swim in the landscape, walk on the sea is a sculpture that functions as a handrail. It is made using sand from the local beach, which is cast in resin and combined with segments of stainless steel. The surface of the sculpture contains raised dots spelling out the title of the artwork in Braille, encouraging passers-by to touch the piece. The translation of the phase was developed in collaboration with the National Council for the Blind, Ireland.
Swim in the landscape, walk on the sea, 2023. Sand from Skerries South Beach, resin, stainless steel. 1200cm (12m) x 4.2cm x 4.2cm.